[ofw] [ANNOUNCE] winOFED 3.1 GA available
Smith, Stan
2012-05-24 22:46:54 UTC

OFED for Windows 3.1 GA Release is available for download @

Please address comments and concerns to https://bugs.openfabrics.org and/or the
Windows OpenFabrics email list ***@lists.openfabrics.org

OFED for Windows Release Summary

1) The winOFED 3.1 (GA) release is based on winOFED source svn revision 3414

Last OFED release (3.0) based on svn.3376.

2) New Features or Changes:

Supported environments: (no Windows 8 support until the next release).
Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2/HPC, Vista and Windows 7 for
x64, x86 and ia64 processor architectures.

Checked installers (.msi) are available in the Checked_Installers\ folder.
Checked implies 'all' installed components are built 'checked'.

uDAT / uDAPL 2.0.35 code base

OpenSM upgraded to version 3.3.13
(see '%windir%\temp\osm.syslog or %windir%\temp\osm.log' for runtime SM details).

Mellanox RoCE hardware [ConnectX-2/3] supported on win7/Svr2008 R2/HPC x64 only.
(see RoCE Ethernet driver install in the release notes).

Mellanox FDR HCAs now supported.

***** Special Notes *****

Last winOFED release to support:

Mellanox Infinihost HCAs, beyond winOFED 3.1, Mellanox ConnectX HCAs only.
Vista operating environment.
Intel ia64 platforms.

2) Bug fixes - all components.

Read the Release_notes.htm file!

make 'sure' your Mellanox HCA firmware is up-to-date:
vstat.exe displays HCA firmware version & PSID.
flint.exe (found at the Mellanox website, Windows firmware tools download package) displays PSID.

Thank you,

OFED for Windows developers.
Ken Strandberg
2012-05-26 03:07:18 UTC
Please be advised that this weekend, the system admin is migrating / moving
files noted here to a new server. If you access the downloads site in the
next 72 hours and do not see the files Stan refers to, please check again
on Tuesday, 5/29, or continue to check throughout the weekend. They will be
available eventually once all the DNS changes and file migration settle

Any questions, comments, complaints should be sent to the system admin at
Post by Smith, Stan
Please address comments and concerns to https://bugs.openfabrics.organd/or the
OFED for Windows Release Summary
1) The winOFED 3.1 (GA) release is based on winOFED source svn revision 3414
Last OFED release (3.0) based on svn.3376.
Supported environments: (no Windows 8 support until the next release).
Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2/HPC, Vista and Windows 7 for
x64, x86 and ia64 processor architectures.
Checked installers (.msi) are available in the Checked_Installers\ folder.
Checked implies 'all' installed components are built 'checked'.
uDAT / uDAPL 2.0.35 code base
OpenSM upgraded to version 3.3.13
(see '%windir%\temp\osm.syslog or %windir%\temp\osm.log' for runtime SM details).
Mellanox RoCE hardware [ConnectX-2/3] supported on win7/Svr2008 R2/HPC x64 only.
(see RoCE Ethernet driver install in the release notes).
Mellanox FDR HCAs now supported.
***** Special Notes *****
Mellanox Infinihost HCAs, beyond winOFED 3.1, Mellanox ConnectX HCAs only.
Vista operating environment.
Intel ia64 platforms.
2) Bug fixes - all components.
Read the Release_notes.htm file!
vstat.exe displays HCA firmware version & PSID.
flint.exe (found at the Mellanox website, Windows firmware tools
download package) displays PSID.
Thank you,
OFED for Windows developers.
ofw mailing list
*Ken Strandberg*
*OpenFabrics Alliance*