[ofw] [ANNOUNCE] winOFED 3.0 RC3 available for download
Smith, Stan
2011-12-03 00:38:32 UTC

OFED for Windows 3.0 RC3 release is available for download @

Please address comments and concerns to https://bugs.openfabrics.org and/or the
OFED for Windows email list ***@lists.openfabrics.org

Changes since winOFED 3.0 RC2 release

1) All .rc files now utilize 'DBG' to define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR to contain
Debug/Check build identification.

2) OpenSM.rc & osmtest.rc files now contains the correct version string (3.3.11).

Changes since winOFED 3.0 RC1 release

1) DAPL updated to 2.0.34

2) 'About OFED' added to the start menu under 'OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution'.

[10-28-11] winOFED 3.0 RC1 svn.3331 released.

OFED for windows Release Summary

1) The winOFED 3.0 release is based on openib-windows source svn revision #3342

Last OFED release (2.3) based on svn.3041.

2) New Features or Changes:

Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP environments are no longer supported.

Device drivers and installer .msi files are signed with a new OpenFabrics
Alliance digital-ID certificate.

You will be asked if you trust the OpenFabrics Alliance as a Software publisher,
answer 'yes' to continue the installation.

uDAT / uDAPL 2.0.35 code base

OpenSM upgraded to version 3.3.11 (see '%windir%\temp\osm.log' for runtime SM details).

IB Diags upgraded to 1.5.9 version.

IPoIB CM (Connected Mode) is supported; default mode is UD.
See IPoIB instance (devmgmt.msc) properties->Advanced tab to enable CM mode.
Once CM mode is enabled, check MTU size with 'netsh int ip show int'.
reset MTU size with 'netsh int ip set interface device-index mtu=new-mtu-value'.
Find device-index via 'netsh int ip show int', match connected Local Area Connection.
A single 'ttcp -b 256K' stream should demonstrate 400+ MB/sec data rates for IPoIB CM.

Debug file/executable versions no longer have a 'd' appended to the filename
example: complibd.dll --> complib.dll

An IBAL thread no longer rescans for IOC/IOU changes at 30 second intervals.
New default behavior is to IOC rescan on demand (IB Port Active transition,
device rescan via devmgmt.msc->Scan for hardware changes) or
(%ProgramFiles%\OFED\drivers\devman.exe rescan).

diskmgmt.msc->Rescan disks will not see new SRP targets until a 'device' rescan
has finished (devmgmt.msc->Scan for hardware changes).

Registry entry IocPollInterval controls IOC rescan behavior:
0 = No IOC rescanning.
1 = IOC rescan on demand ('devman rescan' or IB port Active state transition).
1 = IOC rescan every 'IocPollInterval' milliseconds; previous value was 30000
Start menu 'OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution' list now contains an 'About OFED' selection.

2) Bug fixes - all components.

3) RoCE hardware not supported at this time.

**** Known Issues ****

IB cable disconnect during ND v1 transfer will crash system (winverbs problem).

Disabling the HCA on a system while openSM is running will crash the system (winmad issue).

HCA drivers are reclassified as BOOT_START drivers to support booting from
an SRP IOC. An unfortunate side-effect is when OFED 3.0 is installed
on a system for the first time, after installation a mandatory reboot is
Required by Windows.

If the install appears to hang, look around for popup windows requesting input
which are covered by other windows.
Such is the case on Server 2008 initial install - Answer 'yes' to always trust
the OpenFabrics Alliance as a SW publisher.

Read the Release_notes.htm file!

make 'sure' your HCA firmware is recent:
vstat.exe displays HCA firmware version & PSID.
flint.exe (found at the Mellanox website, Windows firmware tools download package) displays PSID.

Thank you,

OFED for Windows developers.
