[ofw] [ewg] server migration
Ira Weiny
2012-05-29 22:28:51 UTC
On Tue, 29 May 2012 17:21:23 +0000
git clone git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/linux-3.2.git
git clone git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/compat.git
git clone git://git.openfabrics.org/compat-rdma/compat-rdma.git
It appears that no one is listening on the git port. Changing git to beany doesn't help. Changing git to sofa works.
Same issue here:

15:27:41 > git clone git://git.openfabrics.org/~iraweiny/infiniband-diags.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/infiniband-diags/.git/
fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer

15:27:43 > git clone git://sofa.openfabrics.org/~iraweiny/infiniband-diags.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/infiniband-diags/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 4579, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1887/1887), done.
remote: Total 4579 (delta 3448), reused 3433 (delta 2613)
Receiving objects: 100% (4579/4579), 967.54 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3448/3448), done.

Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 2:29 PM
Subject: [ewg] server migration
I completed the server migration this morning. Here are items to note. Please send me email if you find any anomalies or abnormalities.
lists.openfabrics.org<http://lists.openfabrics.org>, www.openfabrics.org<http://www.openfabrics.org> should function as before.
There is a new direct subdomain to the downloads: downloads.openfabrics.org<http://downloads.openfabrics.org>
Send yourself email through your openfabrics account, if you're forwarding mail from openfabrics.org<http://openfabrics.org> to another account. If you use an openfabrics.org<http://openfabrics.org> email account directly, please check you can get your email. If you want to use an openfabrics.org<http://openfabrics.org> email account, you now can access it with your imap client using your login and password for your existing account and lists.openfabrics.org<http://lists.openfabrics.org> as the server.
The new server is beany.openfabrics.org<http://beany.openfabrics.org>. Your username and passwd should be the same as on sofa.
I rsync'd all /home dirs to the new server on Saturday (5/27). Please verify your files on beany are up to date. If not, please update your files. Sofa will remain online for about another month. The week before I de-commission sofa, I'll notify all users. And again the day before. Please make sure all your files are moved to beany.
If you had cron jobs you ran, you should check that they're set up and running as intended. I did not set up or get into any of your /home files. I only copied them.
git.openfabrics.org<http://git.openfabrics.org> should function as before.
The svn repos should be operating as before. I dumped and loaded all databases as of Sunday morning (5/28). This is now the active repository. If you use svn:// protocol with your client, you need to change your address to the following
svn://beany.openfabrics.org/ofw<http://beany.openfabrics.org/ofw> (for windows)
svn://beany.openfabrics.org/nvmewin<http://beany.openfabrics.org/nvmewin> (for NVMe)
If you use http:// protocol, the address is still http://www.openfabrics.org/svnrepo/nvmewin (or ofw)
Again, please do not use sofa.openfabrics.org/svnrepo/xxx<http://sofa.openfabrics.org/svnrepo/xxx> for your repositories. Your trees will be out of date if you do.
Why all this work to migrate to a new server?
The sofa /home and /var directories were getting full. There was only about 3% left in /home.
The new server gives us more disk space (a full TB instead of 700GB).
Offsite storage for files. I was concerned about disaster recovery in the event of a meltdown at the hosting facility.
Other than that, the hardware is about the same.
We're saving about $120/month for more space.
Again, please send me email if you see anything abnormal.
Ken Strandberg
OpenFabrics Alliance
Ira Weiny
Member of Technical Staff
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Hefty, Sean
2012-05-29 22:49:26 UTC
There is a new direct subdomain to the downloads: downloads.openfabrics.org
What is the path to the download directory?

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