[ofw] IPoIB partitions on Windows 2008 R2
Žilvinas Krapavickas
2011-12-19 14:34:55 UTC
I do not know where to write such a letter, so I decided to post it here, sorry if it's off-topic.

I have a problem with IPoIB partitions on Windows 2008 R2 server. IPoIB network adapters disappear after server restart. They work perfectly when created, hosts can ping each other, no problems at all, but after server reboot all IPoIB adapters are gone. I checked system registry after reboot, the key "CurrentControlSet\services\ibbus\Parameters\PartitionKey" exists, "part_man.exe show" reports that pkey configured. Any advice are welcome.

Best regards/ Pagarbiai

Žilvinas Krapavickas
IT System Engineer

Email: ***@adform.com
Phone: +370 5 212 3063
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