Hefty, Sean
2012-03-07 18:19:52 UTC
> Didn't we solve the device object open() problems in ibat a few years ago?
> Did we lose a fix?
> Thoughts?
Does anyone test OFED using a standard user account, or does everyone run as an administrator?
I may be able to look into this in more detail in a couple of weeks, but can't at the moment. I agree with Christoph that running as an administrator isn't viable, so this does need to be fixed.
- Sean
> > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: Hefty, Sean [mailto:***@intel.com]
> > Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Januar 2012 19:18
> > An: Christoph Müller
> > Cc: ofw_list
> > Betreff: RE: Name resolution in WinVerbs/Multiple cards in one machine
> > > I fixed the network so far that this part seems to work again. I also
> > > looked into the implementation of TranslateAddress() in the meantime
> > > and have understood what it is doing. However, the problem with UAC
> > > remains. I need to run my program in elevated mode to work. Otherwise
> > > BindAddress() returns E_ACCESSDENIED. If I call TranslateAddress()
> > > directly, it does so, too. It seems that it cannot open the device object.
> On
> > the other hand, calling e. g.
> > > OpenDevice() directly works perfectly without elevation. It seems that
> > > in the former case, WinVerbs cannot open the device object for making
> > > the IOCTL calls for some reason. As the problem does not occur with
> > > all calls, I assume that I have a problem with the order of my API
> > > calls or so. Is there anything special to look for? I create a
> > > provider, a connect end point and then BindAddress(), which explodes.
> >
> > Btw - depending on the port number that you're trying to bind to, you may
> > need administrative privileges. It sounds like there may be a permission
> > issue with the 'ibat' (IB translation) file that is used to implement these
> calls.
> > Someone more familiar with ipoib would need to look into that however.
> can anyone help me with the problem described above? In the meantime, I tried
> several things (WinVerbs, libibverbs, librdma), but all comes back to the
> problem that I cannot bind/create an end point without elevation. I have also
> tried that on several W2k8R2 machines all having OFED 3.0. Sean mentioned (see
> above) a problem with the "ibat" file, but I do not really know what this is.
> I think I can also rule out the port number as I use 12345, which is well
> above 1024.
> To add some information: I use a standard HPC unattended installation as
> described in the OFED documentation, which I have deployed using clusrun. The
> Open Fabrics certificate is installed as trusted publisher on all nodes and
> the installation completed successfully. I have also tested an installation
> including SDK on a Windows 7 development machine, which behaves exactly the
> same wrt the elevation problem.
> Is there anything I can do about this? It is not really a viable solution for
> me running all IB-enabled programs as administrator.
> Best regards,
> Christoph
> PS: I also found that a problem with librdma creating only one connection
> successfully in rdma_get_request() mentioned in
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.drivers.rdma/6188 is still present in
> WinOFED v3.0 (GA) x64. Is that true?
> Did we lose a fix?
> Thoughts?
Does anyone test OFED using a standard user account, or does everyone run as an administrator?
I may be able to look into this in more detail in a couple of weeks, but can't at the moment. I agree with Christoph that running as an administrator isn't viable, so this does need to be fixed.
- Sean
> > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: Hefty, Sean [mailto:***@intel.com]
> > Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Januar 2012 19:18
> > An: Christoph Müller
> > Cc: ofw_list
> > Betreff: RE: Name resolution in WinVerbs/Multiple cards in one machine
> > > I fixed the network so far that this part seems to work again. I also
> > > looked into the implementation of TranslateAddress() in the meantime
> > > and have understood what it is doing. However, the problem with UAC
> > > remains. I need to run my program in elevated mode to work. Otherwise
> > > BindAddress() returns E_ACCESSDENIED. If I call TranslateAddress()
> > > directly, it does so, too. It seems that it cannot open the device object.
> On
> > the other hand, calling e. g.
> > > OpenDevice() directly works perfectly without elevation. It seems that
> > > in the former case, WinVerbs cannot open the device object for making
> > > the IOCTL calls for some reason. As the problem does not occur with
> > > all calls, I assume that I have a problem with the order of my API
> > > calls or so. Is there anything special to look for? I create a
> > > provider, a connect end point and then BindAddress(), which explodes.
> >
> > Btw - depending on the port number that you're trying to bind to, you may
> > need administrative privileges. It sounds like there may be a permission
> > issue with the 'ibat' (IB translation) file that is used to implement these
> calls.
> > Someone more familiar with ipoib would need to look into that however.
> can anyone help me with the problem described above? In the meantime, I tried
> several things (WinVerbs, libibverbs, librdma), but all comes back to the
> problem that I cannot bind/create an end point without elevation. I have also
> tried that on several W2k8R2 machines all having OFED 3.0. Sean mentioned (see
> above) a problem with the "ibat" file, but I do not really know what this is.
> I think I can also rule out the port number as I use 12345, which is well
> above 1024.
> To add some information: I use a standard HPC unattended installation as
> described in the OFED documentation, which I have deployed using clusrun. The
> Open Fabrics certificate is installed as trusted publisher on all nodes and
> the installation completed successfully. I have also tested an installation
> including SDK on a Windows 7 development machine, which behaves exactly the
> same wrt the elevation problem.
> Is there anything I can do about this? It is not really a viable solution for
> me running all IB-enabled programs as administrator.
> Best regards,
> Christoph
> PS: I also found that a problem with librdma creating only one connection
> successfully in rdma_get_request() mentioned in
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.drivers.rdma/6188 is still present in
> WinOFED v3.0 (GA) x64. Is that true?