[ofw] OFED for Windows 3.2 RC3 download available
Smith, Stan
2013-06-21 21:13:34 UTC

OFED for Windows 3.2 RC3 release is available for download @

Please address comments and concerns to https://bugs.openfabrics.org and/or the
Windows OpenFabrics email list ***@lists.openfabrics.org

OFED for windows Release Summary

0) Changes between winOFED 3.2 RC2(3613) & RC3, SVN patches:

Revision: 3633
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:25:46 PM
[DAPL] handle IB_INVALID_STATE and IB_INVALID_HANDLE errors during CM transitions.
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/ibal/dapl_ibal_cm.c

Revision: 3632
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:11:46 PM
[DAPL] remove unused/commented-out code.
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/NetworkDirect/dapl_nd_cm.c
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/NetworkDirect/dapl_nd_device.c

Revision: 3631
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:10:58 PM
[DAPL] Verify hostname before getting IP address to avoid name service delays
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/openib_cma/device.c

Revision: 3630
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:10:05 PM
[IPOIB] remove merge artifact.
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/ipoib/kernel/netipoib.inx

Revision: 3629
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:09:15 PM
[IPOIB] white space alignment and comments.
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/ipoib/kernel/ipoib_adapter.cpp
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/ipoib/kernel/ipoib_cm.cpp

Revision: 3628
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:08:13 PM
[IPOIB] correct debug print message duplication.
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/ipoib/kernel/ipoib_driver.cpp

Revision: 3627
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:06:46 PM
[COMPLIB] kernel revert back to commit 3607 as it was not the problem, although code interaction timings changed.
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/inc/kernel/complib/cl_spinlock_osd.h

Revision: 3625
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Monday, June 17, 2013 1:06:08 PM
[DAPL2] remove large hammer 'cm_req.remote_resp_timeout *= 2;'
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/ibal/dapl_ibal_cm.c

Revision: 3624
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Monday, June 17, 2013 1:03:57 PM
[CORE] Fab's DREP patches from large scale ND testing.
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/core/al/kernel/al_cm_cep.c

Revision: 3622
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Monday, June 17, 2013 12:56:10 PM
[DAPL2] use ib_api_status_t, handle IB_INVLAID_HANDLE
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/ibal/dapl_ibal_util.h

Revision: 3621
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Monday, June 17, 2013 12:53:46 PM
[COMPLIB] kernel revert 3607 as it breaks DAPL/IBAL for multiple ranks/node.
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/inc/kernel/complib/cl_spinlock_osd.h

Revision: 3614
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2013 9:33:45 AM
[DAPL2] use parens to separate/clarify macro arg/pointer from actual pointer dereference.
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/udapl/windows/dapl_osd.h

Revision: 3615
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2013 9:35:00 AM
[DAPL2] output DTO completion ERR: status in hex
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/common/dapl_evd_util.c

Revision: 3616
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2013 9:37:50 AM
[DAPL2] NetworkDirect provider - remove dead/if 0 code blocks. If Nd->Listen() fails retry once more before error bailout.
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/NetworkDirect/dapl_nd_cm.c

Revision: 3617
Author: ***@intel.com
Date: Thursday, May 16, 2013 9:39:47 AM
[DAPL2] NetworkDirect provider - remove unused/if 0/debug code blocks.
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/NetworkDirect/dapl_nd.h
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/NetworkDirect/dapl_nd_device.c
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/NetworkDirect/dapl_nd_dto.h
Modified : /gen1/branches/WOF3-2/ulp/dapl2/dapl/NetworkDirect/dapl_nd_util.c

1) The winOFED 3.2 RC3 release is based on winOFED source svn revision 3634

Last OFED release (3.1) based on svn.3414.

2) New Features or Changes:

Supported environments: (no Windows 8 support until the next release winOFED 3.3 ETA Q4'2013).
Windows Server 2008 R2/HPC and Windows 7 for x64, x86.

NetworkDirect.v2 provider
NDlist - display NetworkDirect.v2 device & IP address

uDAT / uDAPL 2.0.35 code base

OpenSM version 3.3.13 (see '%windir%\temp\osm.syslog or %windir%\temp\osm.log' for runtime SM details).

Mellanox RoCE not supported.

Mellanox FDR HCAs suppported.

Rsockets for Windows 1.0 supported [see rstream.exe & riostream.exe], thank you Herbert Schmitt! <***@oce.com>
See OFED_SDK install feature for code/build example (rstream.c).

***** Special Notes *****

winOFED no longer supports:

Mellanox Infinihost HCAs, Mellanox Connect-X HCA only.
Vista & Server 2008 (Longhorn) operating environments; Server 2008 R2/WIndows-7 fully supported.
Intel ia64 platforms; x64 and x86 only.

3) Bug fixes - all components.

**** Known Issues ****

If the install appears to hang, look around for popup windows requesting input which are
covered by other windows. Such is the case on Server 2008 initial install - Answer 'yes'
to always trust the OpenFabrics Alliance as a SW publisher.

Read the Release_notes.htm file!

make 'sure' your Mellanox HCA firmware is recent:
vstat.exe displays HCA firmware version & PSID.
flint.exe (found at the Mellanox website, Windows firmware tools download package)
displays PSID.

Thank you,

Mellanox and the OFED for Windows developers!
