1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
<HR>The information contained in this transmission may be confidential. Any=
disclosure, copying, or further distribution of confidential information i=
s not permitted unless such privilege is explicitly granted in writing by Q=
uantum. Quantum reserves the right to have electronic communications, inclu=
ding email and attachments, sent across its networks filtered through anti =
virus and spam software programs and retain such messages in order to compl=
y with applicable data security and retention requirements. Quantum is not =
responsible for the proper and complete transmission of the substance of th=
is communication or for any delay in its receipt.<BR>
disclosure, copying, or further distribution of confidential information i=
s not permitted unless such privilege is explicitly granted in writing by Q=
uantum. Quantum reserves the right to have electronic communications, inclu=
ding email and attachments, sent across its networks filtered through anti =
virus and spam software programs and retain such messages in order to compl=
y with applicable data security and retention requirements. Quantum is not =
responsible for the proper and complete transmission of the substance of th=
is communication or for any delay in its receipt.<BR>