[ofw] [PATCH] DAPL v2.0: common: dat_evd_free seg faults with resized software EVD
Davis, Arlin R
2011-10-31 20:53:43 UTC
dapl_evd_resize is attempting to resize a CQ but there is no
CQ attached to a software EVD. Add check for cq_handle
before resizing.

Signed-off-by: Arlin Davis <***@intel.com>
dapl/common/dapl_evd_resize.c | 13 ++++++++-----
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dapl/common/dapl_evd_resize.c b/dapl/common/dapl_evd_resize.c
index 762fad4..f36270c 100644
--- a/dapl/common/dapl_evd_resize.c
+++ b/dapl/common/dapl_evd_resize.c
@@ -108,11 +108,14 @@ DAT_RETURN DAT_API dapl_evd_resize(IN DAT_EVD_HANDLE evd_handle,
goto bail;

- dat_status = dapls_ib_cq_resize(evd_ptr->header.owner_ia,
- evd_ptr, &evd_qlen);
- if (dat_status != DAT_SUCCESS) {
- dapl_os_unlock(&evd_ptr->header.lock);
- goto bail;
+ if (evd_ptr->ib_cq_handle) {
+ dat_status = dapls_ib_cq_resize(evd_ptr->header.owner_ia,
+ evd_ptr, &evd_qlen);
+ if (dat_status != DAT_SUCCESS) {
+ dapl_os_unlock(&evd_ptr->header.lock);
+ goto bail;
+ }

dat_status = dapls_evd_event_realloc(evd_ptr, evd_qlen);
